Sunday, November 9, 2008


"The culture of Japan has evolved greatly over millenia, from the country's prehistoric Jomon culture to its contemporary hybrid culture, which combines influences from Asia, Europe and North America."

wikipedia,, 2008

We can see those influences were come from trading between country.People are always curious for new things and love to receive and adjust into their original culture,this process need time to absorb and be part of culture.Some of the foreign culture are disappering from time passing.However,Japan is the country try to keep their original culture as much as their can. But nowadays,not only Japan but every country in the world are changing their culture from technology instead of trading.For example, Japanese people love cheese and fast food.
I believe whenever Japanese people never lose their original culture especially way of thinking and manner.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hawaii Dance

I went to kumamoto festival,international food here, activity and show.Of course I met Thai people here,I have just known many Thai people in Kumamoto because she is the first person who I speak Thai!!.On the stage I saw Hawaii Dance from Japanese I felt surprise because about 20 japanese in every age the youngest is only 7 years old.And they did a good job.I do not think Hawaii dance is popular in Japan.But I have saw the poster of Japanese film,Hula Hula girls.May be because Kumamoto is close to the USA army in WWII.But I curious is Hawaii Dance popular in other parts of Japan like Oita,Tokyo,Kyoto etc.Only curious.

Participation participation!!!

About two week we are talking in participation in class.I think it is very interesting topic because
I can see clearly between asian eastern and western student.Western students often give their opinion to teacher,I am not sure have they participate since they was a child.From my experience,participation increasing as I am study in high level,Elementary school I can not express my ideas. I have to fallow exactly what teacher said because I do not want to be the person who teacher think the problem child.But when I am in junior-high school and high school,I have many chances to express my opinion because the school policies want to create a leader student,they force me to share my ideas.Obviously when I am studying in university my teachers always want their student to share opinion even opposite their thinking. Like we are finding the way out of the problems,corruption,bias etc.It is very fun and teachers do not let our ideas look bad,they are listening and give their comment to us like who has experiences.Love it.